Where should I send my files to get a quote or place an order?
After quoting and finding our pricing acceptable you should attach the files at the registration page. If the file needs to be quoted by our sales team, attach it to an email and send to sales@circuitswest.com.
What types of files do we need?
We require gerber format files (274x or 274D with an aperture list), an excellon drill file, a tool list and a fabrication print is useful.
Can Circuit West, Inc. do production for you?
We have the capacity in our new facility to handle your production requirements. Contact our sales personnel with your files and requirements.
Can I order larger or smaller quantities at any time?
Either use our on-line quoting program or contact our sales personnel for your requirements.
When do I pay a tooling NRE charge?
You will only have to pay a tooling charge if you go straight to production.
What CAM software do you use?
We use Genesis version 10.2 with scripting modules.
Can I get an electrical test?
We provide 100% electric testing on your PCB’s if you request it. This can be either a “flying probe” or “fixture”.
What is the thickest board you can process?
Can you process special dielectric requirements?
We can process all types of sequential stackups. Just send us your core and stackup details.
What is the thinnest board you can process?
.020” if ordered with HASL plating finish. We will manufacture down to .005” if other plating options are used. Contact your salesperson for details.
What is the largest PCB you can fabricate?
16.5” x 22.5”
Can you handle “Controlled Impedance” requirements?
Yes, contact our sales department for details and turn time.
How do I keep my order from going “on hold” during the CAM step?
Circuits West will contact you immediately when we find a problem with file data. We will only put a job on hold when we get no response after 3 hours of initial contact.
Are you UL “Underwriters Laboratory” approved?
Yes, 94V-O
Are you MIL Spec 55110 approved?
No, however we can build to and use the same materials required.
What acceptability standards do you build to?
IPC-A-600F class II for productions and proto-types.
Can you build RF applications?
Yes, we keep several RF materials such as Arlon, Rogers, Duriod and Polymide in stock. All the pricing is subject to change at any time without notice.
How long have you been in business?
Circuits West, Inc. was originally started in 1976. The business was purchased by the current owners with the intent of expanding and enhancing technology.
Where are you located?
We are located at 410 South Sunset, Suite D, Longmont, CO 80501